
Introduction of tenses

As you know for learning English you need to be very familiar with tenses and their use in real life. And for learning the tenses you need to learn about subject+ verb + object  structure of sentence. These we have discussed already and now we shall discuss basic introduction about tense and its types in this post today. Let us see now:

What is a Tense:

Tense refers to time.The word "tense" is originated from Latin word "tempus" which means time. Tense tells us when the action or work in a specific sentence is taking place, whether it is in present, past or future time. So in other sense we can say that tense is time of action in a sentence.

Definition of a tense:

There can be a lot of definitions of tense but here we are giving most reliable one.

"Tense is any of the forms of verb which show the time at which an action happened."
                             By  Cambridge dictionary.

How many types of tenses:
Now the question arises how many types of tenses are there?

There are mainly three Types of Tense:

1. Presrent Tense: 

Present tense Shows the action which is taking place in present time.


  a) Sumit loves Cricket.
  b)He is playing Football.

2. Past Tense:

Past tense talks about an action completed in past time.


a) The baby cried bitterly.
b) John watched TV all night

3. Future Tense:

Future Tense is used to express an action that will occur or happen in the future time or the time when it is being said by the speaker.


a) I will give her a nice gift.
b)  He will go to Australia next year.

To be continued till next update..........
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