

subject+verb+object (SVO) is a sentence pattern where the subject comes first, the verb second, and the object at third position. Different languages may be classified according to the  sequence of these parts  of sentence.But in English this sequence occurs in SVO order. SVO word order in English is also known as canonical word order, nevertheless, a non-canonical word order can be found in a variety of clause types in English.
Subject+Verb+Object  combination makes a basic sentence


A verb is a part of speech that tells about an action or a state. It is the main part of a sentence: every sentence has a verb.Verb is a word which describe the  main action in a sentence.
For example:
1. Can you play harmonium?
2.  Arsh reads the story.
In above sentences words 'play' and 'reads' are the verbs because they tell us what action is going on.


The subject is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing something in the sentence. You can find the subject of a sentence if you can find the verb. Verb is the action and subject is who do that action in a particular sentence.

1. They are very rich.
2. During class Richard slept on his bench.
3. Mary went to the audition.
In above examples words 'They', 'Richard' and 'Mary' are subjects.


Acording to traditional English grammar object in a sentence is an entity which is acted upon by subject or in other words you can say that action taken by subject in any sentence affects the object.
1. Nobody writes letters nowadays.
2. Does she play Hockey?
3. He gave dinner to dog.
In above sentences words 'letters', 'Hockey' and 'dog' are objects.

I hope this article gave you an idea about what subject, verb and object in a sentence are?Also you must have learnt from it SVO word order in English.Actually these three Subject,verb and object are important to learn before you learn Tenses.Tenses are important for correct sentence formation.If any problem persists dont forget to write comment.

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